Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions all team’s.

I hereby consent for my child to play the Mini Soccer Cup competition as a player and agree to observe all the rules and regulations and code of conduct of the competition (incl. playing rules and disciplinary rules) and the directions of its officers.

I acknowledge that participating in this competition has inherent risks and I understand that my child’s registration includes personal injury insurance.

I waive the right to make any claim against officers, the competition manager, staff, and volunteers, in the event of a personal injury (including death) sustained by my child in participating in the competition.

I am responsible for obtaining additional personal injury cover or insurance for my child.

I unconditionally and irrevocably indemnify the competition manager, staff and volunteers against any claim, loss or expense, including, without limitation, medical costs and loss of income, incurred as a result of or arising in connection with Covid-19 sickness and any personal injury or death sustained by my child while participating in this competition.

I understand that the activities in which my child will participate:

· Will be physically demanding
· May involve a significant risk of physical harm.
· May involve a risk in the contraction of Covid-19

My child’s participation in this activity is voluntary and not compulsory.

I understand that certain inherent risks exist in the activities in which my child will be participating.

Although the organisation officers, staff and volunteers will provide my child with appropriate direction and will endeavour to minimise the exposure to the risk of harm, these inherent risks are beyond the control of the officers, the competition manager, its volunteers and staff and cannot be avoided by the exercise of reasonable care and skill. Inherent risks include changes in weather conditions and availability of emergency medical assistance and the risk of contracting Covid-19.

I acknowledge that participating in Mini Soccer Cup may involve the following risks, among others:

· Losing control and colliding with obstacles such as goal post or other people;
· Getting kicked or bumped taking part in the activity:
· Getting hit by the ball at high speed; 
· Being exposed to changes in weather

and being exposed and contracting Covid-19

I authorise officers, the competition manager or his staff to arrange medical treatment and emergency evacuation services on my behalf and at my cost, in the event of my or my child’s injury or illness, as they deem necessary. I understand that my child’s registration fee includes personal accident insurance and any medical expense is my responsibility.

When participating in the Mini Soccer Cup competition I will ensure that my child will wear the appropriate sportswear such as shin pads and football boots (no bladed studs allowed).

I understand that officers, its volunteers and staff will endeavour to keep personal items safe but they accept no responsibility for the safekeeping of those items. I will also endeavour to keep any spectators I have invited a safe distance from the playing field, which may also be at risk of a being hit by a ball. 

I also understand that it is a condition of participation in any of these activities for me to accurately inform the administrators of Mini Soccer Cup of any pre-existing medical condition before participating in this competition. 

I also understand and fully accept Mini Soccer Cup Playing rules and regulations and code of conduct including rules and regulations related to team and player registrations.

The Competition will be played under FIFA Laws of the Game and the Mini Soccer Cup Playing Rules and Regulations. If there is a conflict between the FIFA Laws of the Game and the Mini Soccer Cup Playing Rules the Mini Soccer Cup Playing Rules will take precedence over the FIFA Laws of the Game.

Games may be cancelled due to ground closure due to pitch flooding or due to bad weather or lightning- refunds will not be given if games are not played as a result of this happening. 

We will not provide refunds (full or part) to players who are unable to participate after registering e.g. injury, sickness, moving away from area etc. 

Active kids’ vouchers – once used are non-returnable or refundable. 

Mini Soccer Cup reserves the right to:

· Refuse the registration application of a team and/or a player into the Competition
· Cancel the registration of a player and/or a team in the Competition subject to the Mini Soccer Cup Playing Rules and Regulations, without refund at any time.

Mini Soccer Cup reserves the right to

·Expel, suspend or disqualify a team from the Competition subject to the Mini Soccer Cup Playing Rules and Regulations and
· Expel, suspend or disqualify a player from the Competition subject to the Mini Soccer Cup Playing Rules and Regulations. 

 Mini Soccer Cup reserves the right to amend and alter the Mini Soccer Cup Playing Rules and Regulations as may be determined necessary by Mini Soccer Cup from time to time. If any amendment is made during the Competition, Mini Soccer Cup will advise all teams of the amendments

By registering for any of Mini Soccer Cup competitions your email will be placed on an email notification list. This means from time to time you will receive email notifications about new competitions. If you do not want to receive these email. You will need to send Mini Soccer Cup an email asking to be removed from the list and notifications

By registering you agree to the term’s and conditions:
